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The New Moon in Pisces begins February 19th, and with this brings in a very intuitive energy from the water sign Pisces and also a theme of grounding and surrender. At this time we need to remember this is no right or wrong path, there are many ways to get to where you need to go, so stop stressing about what decisions to make and allow your intuition be your guide, make the choice that feels right. At this point there are things in your life that no longer serve you, and things you need to hold on to, allow some time for meditation to figure out which are which. The ritual below is a simple one and I highly recommend a short meditation before you complete it. 


What you will need:

  • 1 New Moon Candle or white candle
  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Cup of water
  • Sage


Step 1: Cleanse your Aura


Take your sage and cleanse your aura starting at your head and go all the way down to your toes, saying “I release what no longer serves me as you do it.” Make sure to sage your feet really well!


Step 2: Write Down Your Intention


On a piece of paper write down 3 things you want to attract into your life  this year in the present tense. “I am/ have ______.” Be specific for example, do not write I am abundant, think about what kind of abundance are you looking to bring in, such as, financial abundance, abundance of love, abundance of joy.


Step 3: Charge Your Water


Since Pisces is a water sign we had to add a water element. Hold your cup in two hands and recite your 3 things out loud. Then take a sip on the water, continue drinking the water throughout the day until it is complete. Bonus if you keep reciting the words more than once.


Step 4: Recite and Light


My favorite part is reciting your intention again and lighting your candle. Then set the candle on top of the paper you wrote your intention. Let the candle burn as long as you would like, just remember to snuff out the candle, never blow out the candle!


Step 5: Let The Universe Work its Magic


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