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Happy New Year, a new year brings excitement and new possibilities. This year I began reflecting back on my life and how much I have changed in the past 10-15 years and what has brought upon this long term change. 

We are going back to my early to mid 20s (I can’t believe that was 10-15 years ago) before my spiritual awakening, every New Year’s Eve was the same. I would go out with friends and drink too much and stay out too late. Then, hungover and unhappy with myself and my life choices, I would make a resolution to change something I didn’t like about myself. Then I would stick with it for a few months like most people then I would be back to my self-destructive behavior the same as the year before. This didn’t work for me and doesn’t for many people first of all because I wasn’t doing anything to make a change, I just thought of myself as a victim, I just couldn’t get a break, bad things just happened to me. I accepted this as my reality and so it was. Until I went through my spiritual awakening and began to learn how to manifest what I wanted in my life, how to attract positive things and it all had to do with a mindset change. I am in control of my life, when challenges get thrown my way they are for me to learn a lesson, and until I learn my lesson they will keep happening. This world and this life is amazing as long as you know how to attract what you want.

I have a new New Year’s tradition and to help clear out what no longer serves me and set myself up for the year I want. 

Step 1: Cleanse your energy and cleanse your space! I honestly try to do this more than once a year but I notice that after the crazy holiday season that I can get lax with it. My favorite way to cleanse my energy is a salt bath, my favorite is our Pure Positivity bath salt, it smells amazing, and it is reiki charged for extra healing energy. Then I cleanse my space. I begin by saging the whole house starting from the top and go all the way down, making sure to have windows open to allow negative energy to leave, don’t forget to sage mirrors and doorways. Then I go through a second time with Palo Santo to infuse my home with positive energy. The icing on the cake for me is to light a Palace Purification candle to help with any lingering funky energy. If you can’t light candles and sage try our Palace Purification Auric Mist.

Step 2: Over the years I have done many different options for step 2 but this is my favorite one so far. I create a vision board, there is no right or wrong way to make a vision board, just simply put pictures and words of things you want to attract into your life, depending on what you desire. Keep in mind some things may take more than one year to come to fruition. I always start with the year and one word that is the theme of the year in the middle. The biggest thing when it comes to manifesting is don’t limit how the universe can deliver, sometimes the best things are the unexpected ones. For example, if you would like financial abundance, do not write to win the lottery, you are limiting the universe to that one specific avenue, instead write an amount of money you want to earn, or a sales goal for the year. That gives the universe more opportunities to bring you what you want. Always write from the present tense, do not use I want, use I am, I have instead. When I am done I put it under a Manifesting Machine candle, until the candle is finished. Then I post it somewhere I am going to see it multiple times a day everyday.

Step 3: Meditate and visualize. This step is something you are going to do often, the more you do it the faster you will manifest. In your meditation, visualize the life you are manifesting, not just the things you want to see, but pull in your emotions, how do you feel in this life that you envision.


I truly hope this resonated with you, and if you were like me from the past know that with a simple mindset change you can have a life you always dreamed of, but if we are stuck in a negative mindset, then we will continue to attract negative things into our life. Love and light to all and wishing you a joyful and abundant 2023.

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