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This December was our second annual Crystal Christmas Celebration! What is Crystal Christmas you ask? Well, a few years ago I did a deep dive into holiday history and traditions. It was fascinating for me to read and grasp a wider understanding of how a tradition or holiday was formed, and what part of the world or religion it was based off of. The reason for this information overload at the time was for me to become more mindful and knowledgeable with the holidays that I continue to celebrate, and traditions I wanted to carry on. BOOM! It came to me like it was implanted into my mind. Why couldn’t I start a new tradition that was meaningful to me. Thus, the idea Crystal Christmas came to be. I wanted to create a gathering for sister friends and soul tribe, to ring in the end of the season, blow off some steam, see each other one more time before all the holiday family hustle and bustle, and add in a gift exchange that was not only cost effective but purposeful. Our first year, December 2019, was held at my townhouse with each guest catering a yummy appetizer such as cookies or a cheese plate. I added holiday games, had prizes that were sure to please any intuitive, and each guest brought a gemstone worth under $15. We asked our quests to wrap each stone and add a description with the gemstone’s name and healing properties. Each guest selected from the pile of wrapped stones and the stone they selected was the stone meant for them.

However, 2020 looked a tad different than our previous year. I almost threw in the towel celebrating Crystal Christmas all together, as it didn’t feel safe to have friends over before the family arrived into town. But that is what life sometimes throws us is a curveball. In this case, it was the sum of 2020. Sarah, co-owner of IntuWickTion and a compassionate Pisces, agreed this year looked different but why not! How could we do it differently? We decided to make reservations with a small group of the woman from the previous year, who felt comfortable attending, at a patio restaurant where we would be social distancing and proceeded on. If 2020 taught us anything it taught us resilience, it taught us how to adapt, it taught us patience, but it also taught us how to be grateful for what we have and those we have around us. It taught many how precious life was and that there is not a guaranteed tomorrow. So, we celebrated. We celebrated making it to the final weeks of 2020, we celebrated friendship, we celebrated hope, we celebrated the birthing of new ideas, and a new age dawning in Aquarius. I hope our continued tradition of Crystal Christmas inspires you to add a new tradition to your year, or become more mindful in how you choose or want to celebrate an already beloved holiday of yours. Think outside the box, get crafty with it, and add more meaning to your coming year with the ones you hold dearest.

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