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Happy Spooky Season Y’all! This October, we are treated to two Full Moons in one month. When this happens, the second Full Moon of the month is referred to as a “Blue Moon”, (as in the saying, “once in a blue moon”, due to its rarity). Better yet, this year, it falls on Halloween evening which only happens once every 19 years. It comes as no surprise that 2020 is the year this falls on. #whatayear.

So, how can we take full advantage of this rare and magical Full Blue Moon? Insert a ritual here. While you can essentially create a ritual around anything, Full Moons are all about removing what no longer serves us. Clearing and setting us up for manifestations that want to come in during the New Moon cycle. Think of Full Moons as times to release, and New Moons as times to manifest. Because Full Moons center around making space, allow this intention to be the theme of your ritual this Saturday. Below you will find some tips and tricks to harness this Full Moon Energy, and set up your own ritual!

Start with identifying what you want to let go of. Journal, meditate, or reflect on what is no longer serving you and your highest good. What is holding you back? What is blocking you? What is a habit you’d like to quit? What kinds of thoughts and patterns feel limiting and non-expansive? Take some time to write down these things on a piece of paper. You’ll use this piece of paper later. Next, identify a space inside or outside of your house to create an altar, if you don’t already have one set up. It can be as big or as small as you’d like. It can be a small corner of your dresser, or a whole table on the patio- the key point here is that it feels good for you. Lastly, choose a candle that mirrors your intention. Candles are the way to open and close the ritual. They are also a way to set a specific intention in your space, and when the color of the wax and essential oils are taken into account for the specific purpose, they act as amplifiers. We like our Full Moon Ritual candle for this, as it’s already created for this specific purpose.

The night of the Full Moon, set up your altar. Place your candle on the surface, with your piece of paper directly underneath it. We also recommend placing crystals, oracle/tarot cards, feathers, pictures, leaves, runes… anything that feels right to you on the altar as well. This helps amplify your intentions to the Universe. For the Full Moon, we like to include Selenite crystals on our altar as they are the master cleansers. Next, light your candle. As you do this, visualize the opening of your ritual and recite your intention aloud or in your mind. You can also ask the Universe to release the specific things you wrote down on your piece of paper, but the biggest part of this is to allow yourself to FEEL what it feels like if these things were no longer part of you. Allow this feeling to fully embody you, and then let your candle burn all the way down. If you have to extinguish it before it’s burned all the way, snuff it out using a tin lid or covering in order to keep the energy and intention inside the candle/wax. Re-ignite when you can, and allow the ritual to complete itself. Lastly, trust that the Universe is co-creating your intentions with you, and watch the magic happen!

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